
Thursday, 17 September 2020

Talents Of A Camel

How to camels survive in the desert?

1) They have a thick coat of hair that helps them from the heat of the day and keeps them warm at night.

2) If there is no food or water the camel will survive of fat for energy, then the hump on they're back becomes small and soft.

3) It doesn't store water in it's hump... That sounds weird, anyway it doesn't so what it does is that when there is water it will drink a lot, about 20 gallons.......ANYWAY!! That water is stored in they're blood system.

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Alternative Key

The alternative ways to show kindness to a new class member is... should I do for me or for an actual human being... eh i'll do both.

Human- invite them to hangout with you and be really nice to them

Me- Don't make eye contact, otherwise you might look weird, try to stay away from them (Not personal reasons I try to do that with people in general) be nice but to a certain extent.

Interpretation Key

 It's nice to ask someone to the game because... well I mean you technically don't have too if they don't ask or if they already have friends to play with so imma just go back to being lonely..

Picture key

 The toddler is the lonely person and the bin is scared of the toddler....Idk

Guess what it is....

BAR key

Kindness is good to a certain extent / I think anime is best...Yee / Never steal your sisters food or you won't come back alive / Dea- I mean decisions are always best when made with kindness/ Now... I still don't care/
Everyday I want chocolate or cake or both!/ See what I mean when I say people are just annoying../ So now that this is over don't yell at me in the comments -_-

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Guess what, Kindness is back yall!

 Variation Key

How many ways can you show kindness to your family?

1: When you take the blame for them.

2: I can't think of anything else

Monday, 7 September 2020


Construction key...

Well for one you somehow had these things on you that you could use so you used the apple and gave it the them for a snack in case they are hungeys and then you gave them a gift like a book in case they are bored, and for the chair, give it them... by throwing it... in their face, because you had to give them a apple and book and now you wasted your chair... yeh

This is 100% properly done and u can't tell me otherwise 

Friday, 4 September 2020

Which Animal?

What animal is the heaviest?

A blue whale is the heaviest animal known.

What animal is the fastest?

A cheetah is the fastest animal it can go up to 70mph however a peregrine falcon's dive can go up to 200mph.

What animal is the loudest?

Blue whales....Yeh.

What animal is the smelliest?

Apparently it's called a zorilla...

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

15 minute writing


This was it, finally the day had come... my best friend had trained and trained for this moment, it was his dream to do a huge balancing act in front of a camera just to prove how cool he is.. now of course I knew he was lame and boring so i told him to just quit before he gets to far in.

He, of course didn't listen. I yelled at him even though I couldn't care less, that something would go wrong and he would fall to his death. SO! when the day came I made sure that when he made it to the middle that he wouldn't stay on for much longer... so yeah then he fell to his death, I mean I do hate being wrong after all...  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯